Car factory.


  • 2 BABCOCK WILCOX stem generators
    25 tons of steam/hour

Use of the GEPERSUIE (DRIVEX  2000)  process. No more steam soot removal for 3 months. Cleaning done in 24 hours with air compressed blowing instead of 4 days hand scratching.

  • 1 BABCOCK WILCOX steam generator, transformed by STEIN INDUSTRIE
    76 tons of steam/hour, 45 bars, 450°C
    Coal grid, spreader stockers

GEPERSUIE C.F. (DRIVEX  2100)liquid process  used from 1987.
Automated injections.

The specifications asked from the annual cleaning companies stipulate that the super-heater being clean, the cleaning must be kept at minimal length in time.

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