Treatment of tanked liquid fuels

Fossil liquid fuels (heavy commercial of residuary fuels) are a problem in their stocking as well as in their combustion. Their use means on-line or in-tank treatments.


Users of this type of fuel are fully aware that :
  • reheating temperature at the burner's nose must be respected to get the right combustion,
  • filters must be regularly cleaned up to avoid their clogging and coking on the burner's nose or an irregular spray.

These difficulties are mainly due to the fact that the crude oil refining process has improved a lot since the 1970/80 crisis. Demand in white products with a high added value having considerably risen, new processes were needed to extract maximum effect from these products.

Heavy commercial fuels today result from the combination of very heavy products, in excess supply on the market, and of lighter products added to respect the usual norms.

Asphaltene, metal deposits (vanadium, nickel, etc…) counts have greatly risen.

The reappearance of fuel incompatibility has been noted, since all asphaltenes are not mixable between themselves.

Finally, the fuel reheating temperature in a tank can generate some separation phenomena of the different fractions of the fuels.

Despite all due precautions taken by the refiners, the treatment of fuels inside a tank or on-line is necessary if those problems are to be lessened or eradicated.


AIT DRIVEX has a range of specific products meant for heavy and domestic fuel treatment available. They will :
  • guarantee the cleanliness of the tanks by preventing any sedimentation or restart in suspension of the existing muds : peptisants,
  • protect the tanks walls against oxidation : film forming elements,
  • accelerate combustion : combustion catalyst.

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