Financing the training, self-evaluation of the participants and means.

Reminder of the financing regulations, implementing the participants' self-evaluation, means developed during training.


In France, each company with at least 10 employees devotes to the training budget a minimum amount equal to at least 1.5% of its staff costs.
AIT DRIVEX is an authorized training organization.
Our training programs can be executed either in the framework of a training suggested by the employer, during an employee's leave or after a skills summary.


Our training is based on :
  • A clear and adapted program.
  • A clear definition of training and management means, according to the aim.
  • The installation of a system monitoring the program's execution and results appreciation.
Our training can be part of a convention or of a bill presented as a training convention.


For management and technical staff training, we can, if you wish us to, make evaluation cards for each one of the participants.
Their summary will allow a corrective action and make it easier to install a self-evaluation and constant progress.


This training is based on experience.
It uses transparents, slides, tape recordings, etc… that help visualizing and memorizing theory and real-life practical examples.

A booklet reminding the essential points of the training is presented to each participant.

Agrément de la préfecture d'Ile de France n° 11930395893

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